The Vote Comparator Tool offers a clear breakdown on many topics. Discover what parties think about: (1) Sustainable Development, (2) Democracy, (3) Migration, (4) Social Rights, (5) Digital Rights, (6) Equal and Open Societies, and (7) Quality Jobs.
How does it work?
The Vote Comparator lets you directly compare the positions of 2 political parties at once. Simply select the 2 parties and the ‘theme’ that you’re interested in.
Why a Vote Comparator?
This tool was designed with the aim to provide citizens with information about the positions of the main European political parties on issues of interest to them and that have an impact on their lives.
Where did we get the information?
The content comes directly from written responses of European political parties to a number of questions that were formulated by civil society organisations as experts in each topic covered. All registered European political parties were contacted for responses.
If you see blank answers when using the tool, don’t hesitate to help us make this tool more complete by contacting the European political party in question, and asking them to respond!
Political Parties On Issues
The On Our Watch project brings together Civil Society Organisations working on all kind of topics. As representatives of and in direct contact with citizens, organisations have a strong role to play in holding the European Parliament accountable to the public. By joining forces in the context of the #EUelections2019 (23-26 May), On Our Watch offers a comprehensive overview of the key issues that European citizens care about.
Want to join? Get in touch! Contact: christian.skriverik[@] | Address: Place du Luxembourg 2, B-1050, Brussels | Phone: +32 2 508 30 83