The European elections this year are an opportunity for democratic renewal that places integrity, openness and fairness at its heart. The authors of the EU’s founding treaty were determined to “eliminate the barriers which divide Europe”. Today, corruption remains one of the main barriers to realising the original vision of a Union built on the rule of law, democratic cooperation and social justice.


Corruption is a barrier to increased investment and prosperity, to fair competition, to innovation, to sustainable development, to improved security, and to greater trust in institutions. It also fuels the growing inequality that is one of the biggest barriers that divide the people of Europe today.

Therefore, Transparency International is calling on candidates for the European Parliament to commit themselves to this renewal, and:

1. Be transparent and ethical in all their parliamentary activity.

Therefore publishing details on the use of their allowances, only accepting meetings with registered lobbyists and publishing meetings with them online.

2. To ‘cool-off’ after leaving the European Parliament.

Meaning that they will not lobby for an organisation on the EU Transparency Register while they still receive the transitional allowance.

3. To support the creation of an independent body for ethics oversight that monitors conflicts of interest, the revolving door and lobby transparency.

For more information, see: Stand Up For Integrity – 2019 EU Elections Pledge 

Political Parties On Issues

  • European People's Party
  • Socialists and Democrats
  • ALDE
  • European Greens
  • European Free Alliance
  • ECR Group
  • European Left



The On Our Watch project brings together Civil Society Organisations working on all kind of topics. As representatives of and in direct contact with citizens, organisations have a strong role to play in holding the European Parliament accountable to the public. By joining forces in the context of the #EUelections2019 (23-26 May), On Our Watch offers a comprehensive overview of the key issues that European citizens care about.

Want to join? Get in touch! Contact: christian.skriverik[@]  | Address: Place du Luxembourg 2, B-1050, Brussels | Phone: +32 2 508 30 83