The European Confederation of Independent Trade Unions (CESI) has ten key demands of the upcoming European Parliament. These demands include adopting laws ensuring a fairer public perception of the European Union, a better European Union, liberal democracy, a read social mindset, universal social rights, effective social policy making, decent work, fair and appropriate taxation, performing public services, and investments in people. 

All workers count

1. For performing public services

Longstanding public underinvestment across Europe has led to deteriorating public services in many Member States. This has been to the detriment especially of the most vulnerable members of society, undermining the principles of the social market economy. Large-scale cuts in the budgets of many Member States have been carried out in times of new challenges for the public sector, in some cases leading to the proper functioning of the state being called into question. Societies with performing public services have been fairer, more resilient and sustainable. And efficient and high-quality public administrations require competent, well-equipped, well-resourced and motivated staff.

2. For decent work

Without prejudice to specificities of public services and traditional principles of career civil service systems, all workers in a de-facto dependent work relationship must be entitled to decent work. Abusive employment practices specifically developed to take advantage of the EU’s internal market’s four freedoms need to be stopped. Legislative loopholes have to be closed, as many still exist for a variety of categories of workers, including posted workers and those active in the digital or platform economy. Existing precarious work also in the public sector must be consequently eliminated. Member States should be encouraged to strengthen their labour inspectorates and take advantage of the opportunities opened by the new European Labour Authority.

3. For universal social rights

Social dumping to increase competitiveness in the EU’s borderless internal market needs to be countered. Without prejudice to specificities of public services and traditional principles of career civil service systems, EUwide robust and binding minimum social standards for workers in particular need of protection based on upward convergence and tied to non-regression clauses are needed. Every person, regardless of the employment status, needs access to adequate and affordable social protection.

For the full list of demands and explanations, see: CESI Manifesto – European Elections 2019

Political Parties On Issues

  • European People's Party
  • Socialists and Democrats
  • ALDE
  • European Greens
  • European Free Alliance
  • ECR Group
  • European Left



The On Our Watch project brings together Civil Society Organisations working on all kind of topics. As representatives of and in direct contact with citizens, organisations have a strong role to play in holding the European Parliament accountable to the public. By joining forces in the context of the #EUelections2019 (23-26 May), On Our Watch offers a comprehensive overview of the key issues that European citizens care about.

Want to join? Get in touch! Contact: christian.skriverik[@]  | Address: Place du Luxembourg 2, B-1050, Brussels | Phone: +32 2 508 30 83