There are 750 MEPs sitting in the European Parliament and each has his or her own profile on the institution’s website.

In theory, that’s a very useful tool, but if you’ve ever browsed the EP site you will agree that it’s not that easy for the curious citizen to navigate the information available and it can be tricky to have a clear overview of who is doing what and how diverse delegations and committees are etc.

For example, how many women are sitting on the ECON committee? Where do the MEPs of the delegation for relations with Brazil come from? What strategic positions (committee chairs, quaestors, Bureau members…) do British MEPs have? And most importantly. to what extent can all this influence the legislative outcome ?

To help you find information on MEPs roles and activities more easily (with some nice graphs etc.), we’re happy to share this useful tool that was developed during the On Our Watch Hackathon:

As well as basic information (contact details, twitter handle…), you can browse the political groups, delegations and committees that MEPs are members of, the roles they play (rapporteur, shadow rapporteur etc.), the number of questions they asked, speeches given or motions submitted!

All this up-to-date information can be filtered by country, gender, group, and can even be exported as CSV or Excel files.

So, take a look at the data and find out how active (or not) our MEPs are, how balanced (or not) committees are, and a lot more!