We need a Europe that delivers for every child.
During these elections, we are asking citizens to vote to invest in children and break cycles of poverty, inequality and conflict that plague children in Europe and around the world.
We are asking candidates to become Child Rights Champions to listen and involve children in the conversation.
We want voters to vote for children by supporting candidates who are proud #ChildRightsChampions.
The situation for children in Europe and around the world
-More than 25 million children in Europe are at risk of poverty and exclusion.
-More than 45% of children in Romania and Bulgaria, and more than 30% of children in Spain and Italy are at risk of poverty or social exclusion.
-Migrant and refugee children face social exclusion and are denied access to basic social services.
-Hundreds of thousands of children in Europe are confined to harmful institutions due to poverty, disabilities or discrimination, even though 80% of them have a living parent and could grow up in the care of families and communities.
-More than half the world’s children – 1.2 billion – live in countries affected by widespread poverty, conflict and discrimination.
-Girls face double discrimination due to their age and gender.
-Each year, 12 million girls are married before the age of 18.
-32 million primary school-aged girls worldwide do not attend school
-Outside of Europe, 1 in 6 children live in conflict settings. Many of these children are victims of violence and are increasingly targeted in conflict, including at school.
-Children in fragile countries are among those who will feel the biggest impact from climate change. European children will also be affected.
The Vote for Children coalition calls on European Parliamentary candidates to become Child Rights Champions to:
1. Break the cycles of poverty, inequality and conflict for future generations
2. Invest in children inside and outside Europe
3. LISTEN to children’s voices, INVOLVE them in decisions affecting them and ACT on children’s views
The On Our Watch project brings together Civil Society Organisations working on all kind of topics. As representatives of and in direct contact with citizens, organisations have a strong role to play in holding the European Parliament accountable to the public. By joining forces in the context of the #EUelections2019 (23-26 May), On Our Watch offers a comprehensive overview of the key issues that European citizens care about.
Want to join? Get in touch! Contact: christian.skriverik[@] | Address: Place du Luxembourg 2, B-1050, Brussels | Phone: +32 2 508 30 83